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Guide to install publicwifi according to the model of socialization in Hanoi
Ngày đăng 26/11/2018 | 11:16 AM  | View count: 178

The Hanoi Department of Information and Communications has instructed enterprises that provide WiFi services about the requirements and technical standards to participate in developing the public wifi system according to the model of socialization in the local City area.


According to the instruction, any enterprises with sufficient fund and technology capabilities can participate in the development of the WiFi system at public places in Hanoi, with priority given to the organizations which allow users to use the internet for free without limitation of capacity and number of logins, and easy to access.


The implementation should be appropriate with the plan on passive technical telecommunication infrastructure in Hanoi city till 2020 with orientation toward 2030; develop public Wi-Fi hotspots in public areas according to the Hanoi tourism development plan till 2020 with orientation to 2030, and Resolution No. 06-NQ /TU dated 26st June 2016 of Ha Noi Party Committee on Hanoi tourism development in the period of  2016-2020.


The content and time of advertisements about public wifi system or at multifunctional wifi stations must be approved by Department of Information and Communication and related departments according to the law; other forms of advertisements on multifunctional wifi stations installed on the pavements , parks, flower gardens, bus stations, historical areas, cultural and tourist areas, must comply with the regulations on outdoor advertising in the city.


The Department of Information and Communication also provides requirements for technical implementation, which are:

- About wifi system equipments: modern and qualified standard design; must be inspected about the origin and quality before installation.

- About information security and safety: the equipment must be monitored by centralized administrative software which allows remote management; organizations have to inform about the location of  the serve  and setup an administrative account for the Department of Information and Communications, so it can manage and control these serves easily; management software must integrate multi-functions such as setting security, adjusting time, filtering content, to prevent the wrong uses of the Public wifi system to be against the Party, the State or to execute other law- forbidden activities

- Local authorities are responsible to construct rescuing plan, troubleshooting for the wifi system to operate safely, avoiding interference caused by overlapping coverage, and providing sufficient information of responsible officials for coordinating with the Department of Information and Communication to ensure safety for users while using the public wifi system.

- About the installation location of wifi broadcasting stations: equipment must be neatly installed; the installation must be approved by the authoritative organization or individuals, suitable with the landscape and architecture of the installation place; transmission system, power supply for the wifi stations must comply with the law provisions and ensure the beauty civilization of the city.

- In the process of installing public wifi system, the organization should actively coordinate with local authorities, departments, and branches to preserve  the landscape and architectural beauty of the city; to ensure the public wifi system operates safely and effectively.


The technical installing documents should include: written request of participation in developing public wifi system; a proposal portfolio of the Public WiFi system developing plan from the enterprise which must satisfy all the technical requirements stated in Section 2. The portfolio should be submitted directly (or sent via the postal system) to the Hanoi Department of Information and Communications; Address: 185 Giang Vo - Dong Da - Hanoi.


The installation of public WiFi must follow the form of socialization to ensure the implementation of the Hanoi People's Committee’s policy to help citizen easily access the information of culture, tourism, economy, and society and  to develop  public services for the electronic administration on the internet.


Detailed instructions here.

Sy Tien
