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Exhibition of “French Architecture in Hanoi” at the Book Street
Ngày đăng 26/11/2018 | 11:23 AM  | View count: 316

In the morning of November 27th, Ministry of Home Affairs (State Record Management and Archives Department of Vietnam), the French Embassy in Vietnam, and Hanoi People’s Committee (Department of Information and Communication, HoanKiem District People’s Committee) had coordinated to host an Inauguration of the Exhibition of National Archives “French Architect in Hanoi” at the Book Street (19/12 Street, HoanKiem District, Hanoi)


At the exhibition, the organizational board had chosen to exhibit about 70 copies of documents, photographs, and blueprints of six symbolic French architectural constructions that are currently preserved at the NationalArchivesCenter I (State Records Management and Archives Department of Vietnam).


These are the constructions designed and built by the French architects in late 19th century and early 20th century: Hanoi Opera House, LouisFinotMuseum, Hanoi Post Office, IndochinaUniversity, Indochina Financial Department, and DoumerBridge.


The Orgainizational Board hoped that this exhibition would give the community a widen view of the constructional heritages of Hanoi during the colonial time as well as have access to the archives and records that are valuable to the historical and cultural researches and to the current heritages preservation process.


The archives of these constructions built during the French colonial era are now stored at the NationalArchivesCenter I (State Records Management and Archives Department of Vietnam). After a hundred years, these constructions built by the French in Hanoi are sill in use and are the signature architectural constructions of Hanoi. These constructional heritages are high on aesthetic value and create an unique appearance for Hanoi - contemporary yet classic.


The exhibition is currently held at the Book Street from October 27th to November 5th 2017. Before this date, the inauguration of the Exhibition of “French Architecture in Hanoi” was hosted at the Hanoi Opera House from October 9th to October 26th 2017. The exhibition gets significant attention from the community and researchers.
