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Enhancing information and propaganda about network code conversion
Ngày đăng 18/03/2019 | 3:46 PM  | View count: 81

On May 25th, 2018, the Minister of Information and Communications signs Decision No.798/QD-BTTTT promulgating the Plan for network code conversion.


In order to minimize the non-positive effects it may arise for telecommunications organizations, agencies, enterprises and users before, during and after the network code conversion process, the Ministry of Information and Communications inform the People's Committees of provinces and cities directly under the Central Government to direct the press agencies, departments, branches and local administrations in the locality to disseminate and propagate the Plan of network code conversion mentioned above that focuses on the following:

- Time for network code conversion;

- The necessity of network code conversion, solutions to minimize the impact of network code conversion...

Network code conversion is necessary and brings long-term benefits for socio-economic development but an impact on telecommunications businesses and users. The Ministry of Information and Communications and telecommunications enterprises implement measures on informing and propaganda in combination with technical measures to minimize the impact with four steps as follows:

(1) Widely announce on domestic mass media, telecommunication agencies of countries, international telecommunication union before the transition time of about 3.5 months. Telecommunication enterprises deploy leaflets, provide information for geographies and telecommunications service points on network code conversion; answer and support customers through customer care switchboards; provide and support software to update phone contacts...

(2) Conduct parallel dialing for a period of 60 days from the start of the conversion. During this time the user dials the old network code or dials the new network code, both calls are successful.

(3) Maintain a tone of notification for 7.5 months from the end of parallel dialing. During this time, dial-up calls are normally carried out; Dial-up calls using the old network code shall receive notification tones (in 02 languages, Vietnamese and English) indicating that the network code has changed and instructions for dialing the new network code.(4) End the maintenance of the notification sound. Calls are only successful when the user dials the new network code.


Pham Linh
